SilverGenesis Super Hydrogel


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No household should be without this versatile skin gel. SilverGenesis Super Hydrogel is made from natural ingredients such as aloe ferox, carrot oil, seaweed, and lavender oil. Its high concentration of positively charged silver ions makes it the ideal first-aid remedy for minor accidents, emergencies, and general skin irritations. It...
R 95.00

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No household should be without this versatile skin gel. SilverGenesis Super Hydrogel is made from natural ingredients such as aloe ferox, carrot oil, seaweed, and lavender oil. Its high concentration of positively charged silver ions makes it the ideal first-aid remedy for minor accidents, emergencies, and general skin irritations. It stimulates the rapid healing of skin tissue and neutralises bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Super Hydrogel can be used by the whole family, babies included. It is all-natural, with absolutely no chemicals or synthetic preservatives added. It works well for dogs and horses, but because it contains lavender, avoid using it on cats.
Teenagers with acne skin love this product. So do mums with babies - it gently soothes nappy rash and skin problems such as rashes and eczema. Men love it as a natural antiseptic and cooling aftershave gel.
Try SilverGenesis Super Hydrogel for:
Acne, abrasions, athlete’s foot, allergies, bed sores, boils, burns, scalds, cold sores, cradlecap, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, fever blisters, insect bites, itchiness, moles, nappy rash, psoriasis, ringworm, shingles, sunburn, ulcers, warts and minor wounds.